Sign building party tonight!
Build Signs! Put them up!
Build signs tonight, Wednesday, beginning at 5pm at our Headquarters! Come by any time after 5 to help up build over 1,000 signs!
We need these signs up by Thursday morning, and you can help make this happen.
Haven't been to our office yet?
We are located at 505 Willow.
Click here for directions. You will have the option of building or delivering signs, or both!
We are almost there. This has been an exciting campaign and with your help we will be victorious on May 13th.
Visit Our Website
Women for Clean Water Press Conference
Community leaders Shudde Fath, Brigid Shea, and Mary Arnold, among others, will be holding a press conference tomorrow, Thursday, at High Noon at City Hall.
Environmental Integrity Is Good For Business
Women for Clean Water
Thursday, May 11, 2006
High Noon, City Hall Plaza
Contact Persons: Abbe Waldman, 736-5802; Susan Bright:
Shudde Fath, Treasurer of Save Barton Creek Association and member of Electric Utility Commission-442-2718
Brigid Shea, former Austin City Council Member and co-founder of the SOS Alliance-698-2025
Mary Arnold, has served on Austin's Planning Commission, the Parks Board, and the Water and Wastewater Commission-350-5847
Marcia Lucas, Owner of El Interior, a long time Austin business
Abbe Waldman, Austin Realtor full time since 1983, longtime community activist-736-5802
Women for Clean Water speak out against Advanced Micro Devices' (AMD) move onto the Barton Springs watershed, endorse Props 1 & 2 on the May 13 city ballot.
Shudde Fath and other longtime Austin women activists and business persons are calling for AMD to move off the Barton Springs watershed and urging citizens to vote "Yes" on Props 1 & 2.
Our community values both the environment and the economy. These interests should not be pitted against each other. Businesses move to Austin and do business here because they value clean water, large lots, greenbelt views, low density and deed restrictions which protect their neighborhoods. People stay here because of creeks, clean water, greenbelts, and scenic beauty. Recent reports published in the Austin American Statesman show the opposition to Props 1 & 2 is paid for by the Real Estate Council of Austin, the Home Builders Association and developer attorneys who tell us Clean Water and Open Government are too expensive.
We say the cost to the people of Austin and to our economy of losing Barton Springs and permanently damaging the aquifer would be immeasurable. We say Barton Springs is priceless.
We say the cost to Austin businesses and our economy of losing the watershed which provides sole source drinking water for 50,000 residents would be immeasurable. Without water and green space, there is no economic growth.
Women for Clean Water call on the people of Austin to work together for Smart Growth which directs major employment centers onto the Desired Development Zone, away from environmentally sensitive land. Austin's Smart Growth plan is the product of thirty years of debate, discussion, and far-reaching community consensus that began in the 1970s with the Austin Tomorrow Plan. In the 1990s under Mayor Kirk Watson, the City of Austin adopted Smart Growth as city policy. Citizens then reaffirmed those same principles at the regional level with Envision Central Texas.
We should be working together and could if AMD would act responsibly and move its 850,000 square foot corporate headquarters off the Barton Springs watershed.
Barton Springs is the soul of our city and water is the core of our economic engine.
# # #
Last day to early vote!
Today, Tuesday, marks the end of early voting.
Get your
early voting locations here.Mobile voting locations are as follows:
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
- Dan Ruiz Library
1600 Grove Boulevard
10 am - 7 pm
- Conley-Guerrero Senior Center
808 Nile Street
2 pm - 5 pm
- Rollingwood Municipal Building
403 Nixon Drive
7 am - 7 pm
- Bee Cave Elementary
14300 Hamilton Pool
7 am - 7 pm
- Crystal Falls Golf Clubhouse
3400 Crystal Falls
7 am - 7 pm
- Manor Middle School
10323 Hwy 290 E.
8 am - 12 pm
Toll roads and the propositions
Check out
Sal Costello's post about the new KLRU piece on tolls here in Austin. He gives links to where you can watch the video for yourself.
Section 2 A(2) of the
Clean Water amendment, helps stop toll roads here in Austin by forbidding the City to support the tolling of roads based on increased growth over Barton Springs.
(2)The City must not support any toll road project, as an expansion, extension or conversion of a roadway located in or leading to the Barton Springs watershed, that relies on projections of toll revenue collections that predict any significant traffic increase from or over the Barton Springs watershed to support financing of all or part of the project.
Even though traffic can get bad out in that part of town, experts agree that cities "cannot build their way out of a traffic problem." Building more roads leads to more growth which leads to more traffic. It also leads to a polluted aquifer. We must find ways to support our existing population while prohibiting damaging increased development.
Open Government Online amendment, Proposition 1 on
your ballot, will make sure that bad deals, such as the toll road projects foisted upon us, are out in time for the public to react to the problem. In part one of the video, you'll notice that the Statesman's reporter talks about how the toll road deal was sprung on Austin with only three months for the public to react before a vote. The OGO will help give Austin more time to actually and effectively participate in our city government.
Monday's mobile voting
Mobile voting for Monday.
Tomorrow, Tuesday, is the last day for early voting. Please go out and exercise your right to vote!
Here are today's mobile voting locations and times:
These are, of course,
in addition to the regular early voting locations.
Monday, May 08, 2006
- The Park at Beckett Meadows
7709 Beckett Road
12:00 pm - 2:00 pm
- Summit at Lakeway
1915 Lohman's Crossing Road, Lakeway
3:30 pm - 5:30 pm
- Bee Cave Elementary
14300 Hamilton Pool
7 am - 7 pm
- Rollingwood Municipal Building
403 Nixon Drive
7 am - 7 pm
- Winters Building
701 West 51st Street
8 am - 5 pm
- East Rural Community Center
600 West Carrie Manor Street, Manor
8 am - 6 pm
- Vietnamese Senior Center
8222 Jamestown Drive, Building C
9:30 am - 10:30 am