Friday, March 31, 2006

McCracken says inaccurate ballot language won't change much

In this morning's Austin American Statesman, we find that City Councilmember Brewster McCracken, rightly dubbed "Brewster the Bully" by environmentalist Robert Singleton, declaring he would press the city council minimally comply with Judge Yelenosky's order.
McCracken said he expects that the new language will look almost identical to the earlier language with some minor tweaking to address the judge's specific concerns, such as removing the cost estimate and some of the examples. He anticipates that other contentious issues, such as the statement that e-mails to any public official will be placed online in real time, will remain in the final wording.
The judge specifically said the language about emails was inaccurate, so I wonder what McCracken's thinking? I also wonder why he thinks he gets to decide this matter for the other six councilmembers, with no public input? The new language will be decided at a hearing Monday at 10 a.m. Contact them before then to ask for accurate, descriptive, ballot language for these two amendments.


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